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Collaborating with Lumago

Lumago translates from Tagalog, The Philippines' national language meaning...

'to blossom'.

Lumago is a social enterprise, committed to triple bottom-line sustainability:

People, Planet and Promise.

Back in August 2016 we met with Lumago Designs, a Filipino social enterprise set up to support the people of Candau-ay who were badly effected by a Typhoon that devastated parts of their community on Dumaguete's dumpsite. These inspiring women have now taken it upon themselves to design and create jewellery using materials from the city's dumpsite, turning trash into treasures...

Collectively we have created 'The Freedom Range' using semi precious stones, sterling silver and handmade recycled paper beads from the ladies of Lumago. 

We are very proud to be a part of the Lumago journey, to create one-of-a-kind pieces honouring them and everything they stand for... To see and experience this uplifting project continuing to blossom... however, in these uncertain times they need our support, more than ever before. We have just put another order in for some new bead designs so we are very much looking forward to receiving those and happy in knowing creativity is still flowing... In the meantime we have newly listed some earrings and bracelets to our website. Every single purchase made goes to support the lives of the women and their families, helping #BEADtheCHANGE

The assistance provided to the artisans empowers them to be independent women, to look after their children and ensure they have access to education, nutritious food, and healthcare, to be a voice in their community for environmental awareness, and to have meaningful work opportunities where they can be proud of their creations and the means provided by their work.

Meet the ladies for yourself and find out more about their story here.

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